Try to use the AlarmKing for people who have especially trouble getting out of bed.
Helps you get out of bed on the exact time.
Main Function
* Alarm
Repeated setting by days of week
Sound, vibration, flash support a variety of alarm types
Press, Tap, Shake, Smile, Video offers a variety of ways the alarm off
Offers stylish sounds
Set up sensitive font color of pastel tone
* Alarm off Mission
Press : Stay only press if do not want any hassle
Tap : Please tap hard on the screen
Shake : Can exercise your arms. Shake powerfully to wake-up.
Smile : Smile. When you smile the alarm will turn off
Video : Start your day with videos of loved one, friends
* Video
Try recording videos of a loved one, friends
Makes your feel better.
* Voice
Can use alarm to a voice recording.
Start your day with a sweet voice
** Only mission-screen **
* Gallery
Collecting taken facial picture on smile mission-screen.
Share your facial picture on SNS
* Setting
Can get rid of ad through payment .